
Legal Notice

Service provider:

ALDI International Services SE & Co. oHG
ALDI SÜD Group of Companies
Mintarder Straße 36-40
45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Local Court of Duisburg HRA 8577

VAT ID number DE 120353372

Telephone: 0208 2072 3760
E-mail: (For inquiries regarding your application) (For inquiries about ALDI SÜD products)

We aim to provide prompt and informative answers to your enquiries and, if necessary, offer you fair and pragmatic solutions. We have decided not to take part in dispute resolution through a consumer conciliation body; instead, we will respond to any enquiries in this fast, uncomplicated way. This information is in line with Section 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz,VSBG).

ALDI International Services SE & Co. oHG is represented by ALDI International Services & Administration SE, located in Muelheim an der Ruhr in the jurisdiction of the Local Court of Duisburg: Department B (HRB) 34355, and represented by its Managing Directors: Rodney Balech, Markus Balter, Raphaela Hausberg, Denise Hochreiter-Hamberger, Oliver King, Daniel Koch, Matthew Lundborg, Reiner Mischke, Andreas Rohlfing, Inka Rückle, Kai Schmidhuber 
