Your tasks

In the thick of things instead of just being there

As an IT Project Manager, many exciting projects await you – from software-specific applications to strategic challenges that will have a major impact on the future direction of ALDI DX. At the same time, you’ll experience a high degree of freedom in your daily work. 


You are the key point in several processes

At ALDI DX, there is no lack of exciting projects, all of which rely on our Project Managers and Consultants as the hub. Together with various external stakeholders as well as your business and IT colleagues from all over the world, you’ll steer your projects to success, right on target. Work hard, play hard! 


You keep an eye on the big picture

The things you work on are part of the biggest transformation in the company’s history. It’s therefore essential to keep the big picture in mind. Because together with your teams, you help to create a new customer experience. This massive journey is not just challenging and exciting, but above all also a great chance for you to grow, both personally and professionally.


You monitor goals and KPIs

It’s thanks to you that successful projects are tangible, and that projects are completed in accordance with relevant KPIs. It’s all thanks to your treasure trove of methodological skills. Because calculating, planning, documenting and guiding big IT projects is exactly your thing. 

Ready to become part of one of the largest IT initiatives in retail? Then find your place at our company as an IT Project Manager!

Become part of our movement E
Project Management Stories

This is how projects go

In the end, we’re all working for the same results and to make the project a success – that’s what counts. And our IT Project Managers play a key role in all of this. Read more about them, their projects and their success stories.


Because where you work does matter!

At ALDI DX, it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering and inspiring our people, while breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!
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aldi.deepdive(it_project_managers) | Sabine | Project Manager

Sabine works as an IT Project Manager at ALDI DX and is part of the Project Management Office team. When it comes to project work, a typical working day is hard to define. Although she repeats some tasks regularly, Sabine’s days are very different and varied as she explains in the interview.

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Mit Klick auf „Akzeptieren“ willigst du in die Verwendung dieser Technologien ein. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen, auch in Drittstaaten außerhalb der EU, übermittelt werden. Deine Einwilligung kannst du jederzeit über diese Schaltfläche mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen oder ändern. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

aldi.deepdive(buying) | About Jenni and Her International Impact

Get to know our colleague Jennifer: supporting worldwide teams with high-quality standards for holistic demand and project management is what inspires her. As you see, at ALDI DX it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering our people.

Job profiles

Driver of worldwide success projects

IT Project Managers are central mediators between business and IT. Find out more about various job profiles in IT project management here.
