Your tasks

Driver of innovation and stability

Whether in a technical role as a Cloud Platform Architect/Engineer, or in an advisory role as a Cloud Consultant or IT Security Expert, all our colleagues ensure new solutions in our journey to the Cloud are not only high performing, but also compliant with ALDI SÜD’s architectural, security and operational principles. This is what you can expect:



With us, you will be responsible for establishing and operating complex infrastructures in the cloud. You develop current standards and define future ones and best practices for the international IT infrastructure across on-premises, private and public cloud environments. In the transformation towards an increasing number of cloud standard solutions, you can help shape both the technical and organisational management.



You are always on the lookout for new technologies to find innovative solutions. That’s what drives you when it comes to cloud solutions. You set trends in cloud computing, drive the automation of our IT landscape, further develop CI/CD pipelines and work on numerous exciting in-house initiatives and products in the cloud environment.



Introducing cloud technologies can only succeed if our teams are committed to the strategic prioritisation of IT security and if we work together to maximise protection against cyberattacks. We can transform many things together, but only if we comply with and continuously improve security, data protection and regulatory standards. Keeping true to the mottos #SayYesToStandardisation and #SayNoToQuick'n'Dirty.

Are you ready to experience the exciting mix of innovation, standardisation and security with us? Then join us as a Cloud or Security Expert.

Become part of the movementE

From the everyday life @ ALDI DX

In our world of change, new things are happening every day. We'll take you with us and let you be part of it. Learn more about us and our projects.


Because where you work matters

At ALDI DX, it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering and inspiring our people, while breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!
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aldi.deepdive(cloud_security) | Ievgenii | Security Consultant

Ievgenii was born and raised in the Ukraine. He came to Germany after the Russian invasion and has now been with ALDI DX for two years, working as a Security Architect. In this interview, he reveals why ALDI DX is his employer of choice.

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Mit Klick auf „Akzeptieren“ willigst du in die Verwendung dieser Technologien ein. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen, auch in Drittstaaten außerhalb der EU, übermittelt werden. Deine Einwilligung kannst du jederzeit über diese Schaltfläche mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen oder ändern. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

aldi.deepdive(our_it) | Working at ALDI DX

Over 7,300 stores on four continents– the sun never sets in the world of ALDI SÜD. For decades, ALDI SÜD has been standing for good things for everyone around the globe. A state-of-the-art IT landscape contributes to this success – as do the people who orchestrate this landscape as a team, breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!

Job profiles

Turn your passion into your job

Our IT Infrastructure teams are realising the ALDI SÜD Group’s global cloud transformation. Find the right position for you at ALDI DX:

Open positions

Jobs in the Cloud and IT Security areas
