Your tasks

We guide ALDI DX into an agile way of working

An agile mindset and agile product development are both becoming increasingly relevant at ALDI DX. The goal is to orient ourselves to our customers as much as possible in this complex, fast-moving world. As an Agile Expert, you’ll work with teams from different backgrounds and cultures whose various perspectives enrich and inspire us, while also enabling us to break new customer-oriented ground in the market. What awaits you:


You create tomorrow's user experiences

Everything we do has one main goal: to make our customers’ lives all around the world just that little bit easier and their shopping experience better. This is more than just a single project; it’s an ongoing improvement process. This is exactly why we are using agile methods – iterative improvement steps generate the most value for us and for our customers.


You shape the way we collaborate

We are still far from perfect when it comes to agile working methods. Some departments have been using agile methods for years; others still don’t. And this is exactly why it’s so exciting here: you can contribute your agile mindset and your skills and shape the way we collaborate at the same time. As an Agile Expert, you’ll not only accompany this process, but proactively drive it.



At ALDI DX, you work in an international environment on a variety of topics, but still have a fixed home base in Germany with only a small amount of travel. That’s how we help you achieve the best possible work-life balance.

Ready to become part of one of the most exciting agile transformations in retail? Apply now.

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Agile Stories

Transformation towards an agile organisation

Within our transformation towards an agile organisation, lots of interesting things happen every day. Read more about it here.


Because where you work does matter!

At ALDI, it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering and inspiring our people, while breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!
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aldi.deepdive(agile) | Carola | Agile Coach

Carola started at ALDI DX in 2020 and now works as an Agile Coach. In this interview, she talks about her varied everyday work and the different roles she takes on in her position.

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aldi.deepdive(agile) | Thomas | Scrum Master

Thomas works as a Scrum Master at ALDI DX. What he likes best about his job? He loves to communicate with his colleagues to see them thrive in their role. Watch the video to learn more about his daily tasks and what “Reprogram retail” means to him.

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aldi.deepdive(agile) | Roland | Product Owner

Roland has been working as a Product Owner at ALDI DX for one and a half years. He is responsible for the ALDI SÜD app. In his role, he “translates” the requirements defined by the company, stakeholders and customers into specific technical goals. Watch the video to find out more about the qualities and qualifications you need to be a Product Owner.

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aldi.deepdive(live) | "Agile organisation loading ..." with Karo and Tim

ALDI SÜD is not an old-fashioned and slow retail company. Neither are we perfect when it comes to agile working methods. However, we are experiencing a real movement towards being one of the best agile organisations in the international retail industry. In this live stream, hosted at our headquarters in Mülheim, we will introduce you to Karo (Scrum Master), Tim (Agile Coach) and Elmo (special guest). They will tell you more about the exciting and challenging work surrounding the current changes at ALDI DX.

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aldi.deepdive(live) | "Agile by Nature?" with Marcella and Julian

We are still far from perfect when it comes to agile working methods. However, we are experiencing a real movement towards being one of the best agile organisations in the international retail industry. And this is exactly why it’s so exciting to work here: you can contribute your agile mindset and your skills while shaping the way we collaborate at the same time. In our live stream, hosted at our headquarters in Mülheim, we will introduce you to Marcella (Agile Consultant) and Julian (IT Manager), who are, along with their colleagues, responsible for our big agile transformation.

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aldi.deepdive(our_it) | Working at ALDI DX

Over 7,300 stores on four continents– the sun never sets in the world of ALDI SÜD. For decades, ALDI SÜD has been standing for good things for everyone around the globe. A state-of-the-art IT landscape contributes to this success – as do the people who orchestrate this landscape as a team, breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!

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aldi.deepdive(frederic) | Out! Of the comfort zone.

How do you manage to turn three devices into one in our stores? One that continues to map all functionalities and is robust and user-friendly at the same time? And that runs on an operating system with which our colleague Frederic haven’t made any experience yet? "Fred" tells you that in this video. Find out in this unique ALDI DX tech story how he solved the challenge and grew from it himself.

Job profiles

Agile ambassadors

In our teams, all of our agile roles contribute to the transformation of ALDI DX and guide us into a product-centered way of working. Find your job at ALDI DX as ...
