Say goodbye to decentralised process information – Signavio makes it possible
The more processes a company uses, the more important it is to document them transparently. Signavio provides a comprehensible overview of the digital process landscape.
Within the area of Architecture & Integration, various teams are driving the transformation of processes at all levels across ALDI SÜD – from various business functions and data to applications, integrations and technologies. The “enterprise architects” are responsible for consistency at and between each of these levels. This is an important task, which is supported by the two tools Signavio and LeanIX.
One tool for all processes
The more processes our business employs, the more important it is to document them transparently. With Signavio – a Software-as-a-Service tool – we capture and manage all processes on one platform. What makes it special: All employees within the ALDI SÜD network will gradually be enabled to use the tool, giving them an easily comprehensible overview of the process landscape across the business and a deeper insight into the processes in their particular area of responsibility. This can support, for example, the onboarding of new recruits. The processes are stored in the form of image-based documentation and enriched with context-specific information.
Since the tool enables us to export the information stored in various forms, it will no longer be necessary to manually maintain process documentation in future. Furthermore, process information can also be linked to information from other tools via database queries and used for automated cross-tool reporting and documentation.
During the course of digital transformation, a large part of the ALDI SÜD process landscape has been newly shaped and the affected processes redeveloped from scratch. In order to achieve this, a large amount of coordination was necessary, and will continue to be necessary in the future. Signavio supports the different experts in their coordination efforts through the comment and share function or the central approval for all users.
With Signavio, we are saying goodbye to decentralised information that is not always up-to-date. And in doing so, we are also saving ourselves the additional work in other programs like PowerPoint, Visio or Excel. In addition, we use Signavio to efficiently integrate the process landscape into the IT landscape. To do this, ALDI DX uses the system interface from Signavio to LeanIX. This interface enables the information required from other applications to be directly transferred to Signavio and linked to the individual processes. This makes it possible to see at a glance which application is required for the execution of each individual process step.
What are the benefits of using Signavio for us and our customers?
Efficient processes within our business operations are not visible to customers at first glance – but at the end of the day they still benefit from them. With the new process landscape, we can offer the same ALDI SÜD efficiency and even increase it. If a process becomes outdated, inefficient or can be improved through technological advances, we are able to respond even faster and always provide the best shopping experience for customers.
What role does Signavio play in digitisation at ALDI SÜD? “Taking the step forward and seeking support in overarching tools like Signavio and LeanIX is important for our future,” according to Jennifer, who as Enterprise Architect works with the tools on a daily basis. Signavio enables her and her colleagues to document processes today and in the future, to manage changes in a targeted way and to collaboratively involve all stakeholders.