ALDI SÜD to feature as a guest in the "BI or DIE" podcast

Data science, agility and business intelligence: We provide answers to the what, how and why at ALDI Data & Analytics Services GmbH in the “BI or DIE” podcast.

Have you ever wondered what exactly is behind Data & Analytics at ALDI SÜD? In the exciting podcast series “BI or DIE meets ALDI SÜD”, hosted by reportingimpulse, everything revolves around this topic. Over the course of three episodes, our hosts will present to you in detail ALDI Data & Analytics Services GmbH, recently founded in 2022. You will find out what topics the business unit is working on, what its everyday work looks like and why data and analytics will enrich the future of retail.


Episode 1: What does a Data Scientist do exactly at ALDI SÜD?

In the first episode, Jochen Grömping tells us about the area he is responsible for as a Director in the ALDI Data & Analytics business unit, what exciting use cases you can encounter at ALDI SÜD and what data governance is all about. You will also find out what makes ALDI SÜD a special employer. 

Listen to and watch the episode on YouTube:

Listen to the episode on Spotify:


Episode 2: How does agile work function within the ALDI SÜD Group?

In the second episode, Dr Paul Glowalla, Senior Manager from the “People & Growth” department, gives an insight into the agile transformation taking place at ALDI Data & Analytics. Among many other insights, you will get an impression of how we are positioning ourselves to ensure that we deliver the right and, above all, value-adding analytics products to our customers worldwide.

Listen to and watch the episode on YouTube:

Listen to the episode on Spotify:


Episode 3: Why was the ALDI Data & Analytics unit established as a separate operational business unit?

In the third and final instalment of the series, Raphaela Hausberg, Managing Director of the Data and Analytics unit, talks about why it is essential for ALDI SÜD to have its own corporate unit for data and data analysis, how this can generate significant added value and how our customers in particular benefit from this in line with our motto “Gutes für alle.” (“Good things for everyone.”). Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are more and more used to find new answers to familiar and more complex questions.

Listen to and watch the episode on YouTube:

Listen to the episode on Spotify:

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