Job profile

Orchestrators of end-to-end testing activities

At ALDI DX we create solutions to be used by ALDI SÜD worldwide. Join our team and shape the future of ALDI SÜD.

As a Test Coordinator, you are responsible for the planning, coordination, implementation and evaluation of test processes. You orchestrate all end-to-end test activities in a product/service-specific team and ensure that the entire process complies with a uniform test strategy and valid standards. This will pave the way for further product improvements and problem solutions.

Your tasks and responsibilities:

  • Defining and adhering to a test strategy for individual services
  • Selecting suitable test methods, test cases and test data requirements
  • Calculating expenses, coordinating deadlines and creating schedules
  • Coordinating with other test managers in your organisational unit to ensure uniform test management approaches
  • Conducting and maintaining tests in accordance with existing ALDI SÜD standards
  • Promoting test automation
  • Improving technical test scenarios in coordination with the stakeholders involved
  • Creating and distributing test reports to the stakeholders involved
  • Developing bug fixes with internal departments and external service providers

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Ideally, you have the following:

  • Degree with a main focus on IT or similar qualification
  • Profound experience in test management, test methods, processes and tools
  • Certified expertise in software testing
  • Solid understanding of relevant business requirements and functional solutions
  • Experience in conducting workshops with different parties
  • Attention to detail and excellent problem-solving skills
  • Excellent organisational and time management skills
  • Good communication and presentation skills
  • Strong communication skills, intercultural understanding and fluency in English

What you will get in return:

  • Partial mobile working within Germany, incl. hardware budget
  • Attractive remuneration as well as holiday and Christmas bonuses
  • Future-oriented training and development (incl. certifications)
  • Participation in conferences and trade fairs
  • Modular onboarding and buddy
  • Corporate health management programme
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