Occupational Health Management (OHM) – Health and wellness at ALDI DX
The Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges that come with it have clearly demonstrated how important the issue of occupational health and security is for companies. Virtualising work processes is increasingly blurring the boundaries between work and private life. There is greater focus on the relevance of physical and, in particular, mental health, as the aforementioned changes are leading to growing mental health-related days of absence and staff turnover.
How are we confronting these challenges at ALDI DX?
The health of our employees is a key to our success at ALDI DX. We therefore offer our employees a variety of measures to improve their well-being. To incorporate the issue of health sustainably in our company, we have established an occupational health management programme (OHM programme) with the following mission statement: At ALDI DX, we have launched our occupational health management programme to offer our employees tangible, measurable and holistic measures to support good health. In addition to supporting good health, we of course also give attention to the other two pillars of occupational health management: occupational safety and occupational reintegration management.
Our measures to support good health can be divided into five areas:
- Nutrition: “Eating healthily – together.”
- Exercise: “Exercising healthily – together.”
- Balance: “Maintaining a healthy balance – together.”
- Prevention: “Taking preventive measures – together.”
- Work environment: “Working the healthy way – together.”
All employees can also visit our wellness portal, which provides numerous articles and expert videos on health-related topics such as “Meal Prep”, “Fit for Mobile Working” and “Detox for Body and Mind” from the areas exercise, nutrition and mental health. To stay fit and healthy, we also offer the option to lease bicycles to be active on our way to work as well as online yoga sessions. Furthermore, all employees are offered the flu vaccine once a year and every three years they can undergo an eye examination concerning work with display screen equipment (DSE). These are just a few examples of the measures in our occupational health management programme to improve the health and well-being of our employees.
Mindfulness Weeks – our programme for going through life in a more mindful way
Our daily lives are becoming increasingly fast-paced, while unpredictable external influences affect every day, making it more and more important to practice self-care as well as paying attention to our fellow human beings. “Mindfulness Weeks” from June to September were created to inspire people to go through life in a more mindful way. For the kick-off event, our employees at all our locations were presented a variety of highlights including a smoothie bike and a brain food station with lessons on healthy snacks. Following that, webinars were offered from June to September 2022 on topics ranging from “resource management” and “mindfulness issues” to “heart-healthy nutrition” and much more.
Move Challenge – keeping fit together
As part of our Move Challenge in September and November 2022, our employees have the opportunity to collect steps as a team by walking or running or collect kilometres cycled on their own. The ambitious participants have the chance to win some great prizes.