Open positions

Be part of Customer Interaction

Open positions
Ways of working

How we work

Communication and collaboration with the new ways of (hybrid) working are within our DNA and we fully embrace the full flex work mode.  We decide where best to hold a meeting - be it remote, in a workshop onsite or in a hybrid meeting with our colleagues and partners all over the world. Our mission is to provide a great customer experience by working with best-in-class software partners to design and build excellent systems for our CI landscape. To support us achieving these goals you can be part of one of our many teams focusing on topics like e.g. Order Management and Frontend Web Services.


Because where you work does matter!

At ALDI, it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering and inspiring our people, while breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!
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aldi.deepdive(live) | "Good designs for everyone" with Jairus and Tim

We enrich the lives of people around the world through improved user experiences. Whether it be the shopping experience for our customers in our online shops or whether it be the daily working experience for our colleagues in our stores, logistics hubs or offices: user-friendly design is everywhere. With this live stream you can dive deep into our work culture and get to know your future colleagues Jairus (Designer in the SAP UX Lab) and Tim (Designer in our UX/UI Foundation) who will tell you more about our exciting work in our various fields of design here in our IT.

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Mit Klick auf „Akzeptieren“ willigst du in die Verwendung dieser Technologien ein. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen, auch in Drittstaaten außerhalb der EU, übermittelt werden. Deine Einwilligung kannst du jederzeit über diese Schaltfläche mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen oder ändern. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

aldi.deepdive(customer_interaction) | "Vishal and his Broad Focus"

Lerne Vishal kennen! Vishal Jha, 30 Jahre alt, ist ein leidenschaftlicher und reiselustiger Fotograf. Seit Oktober 2021 ist er Teil des ALDI SÜD Customer Interaction Teams. Seine Aufgabe als IT Engineer ist es, Lösungen für die Landesgesellschaften zu entwerfen und zu entwickeln, mit denen sie ihre Kund:innen erreichen können.

Reasons why

Be part of our community

We are redefining the standards for IT-Solutions in modern retail. This spirit cam be clearly felt in all ALDI SÜD teams. How do we feel about the work we do here….

"We create amazing products and experiences - for our customers all over the world."

"Our work can make a difference in international retail."

"You will work in innovative, international and diverse teams with startup-like team spirit."

"We want to help you develop as an individual, and will work with you to develop your skills and talents."

"I love working in an agile environment with colleagues from all over the world!"

Communication Expert
3D office tour
This is how we work at ALDI DX – have a look around our offices