Tech Stack

Tools for our vision

At ALDI DX, we love technology and the opportunities it offers us. Learn more about the systems and technologies we work with, and more.

Technologies we use at work

Discover how the individual technologies are used at ALDI DX.


aldi.deepdive(frederic) | Out! Of the comfort zone.

How do you manage to turn three devices into one in our stores? One that continues to map all functionalities and is robust and user-friendly at the same time? And that runs on an operating system with which our colleague Frederic haven’t made any experience yet? "Fred" tells you that in this video. Find out in this unique ALDI DX tech story how he solved the challenge and grew from it himself.

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One of the largest IT projects in our company's history

The digitalisation of retail is in full swing and has, of course, created new and exciting opportunities for us to drive change. To be more specific, this means challenging and redesigning all previous processes and systems. It's an enormous undertaking – and one that ALDI DX has taken on as part of the ///AHEAD project. Needless to say, a project of this size will bring about many exciting initiatives that will allow you to be a part of something really big!

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