Your tasks

We shape the future of retail analytics

Our Data & Analytics team plays a key role in the decision-making process in our company. Here’s what awaits you:


You have business-wide impact

You develop scalable data analytics products and use cases for and together with our business and technology teams across all ALDI SÜD national business entities. You use the relevant data and insights to support the entire company in making business decisions, drive technology forward and serve the entire supply chain with high data volumes and respective performance.


You are at the cutting edge

Here, you are part of a team that, with the support of AI-driven decision-making, challenges the old way of doing things. We tackle complex challenges in all the areas of the business – from strategy to operations and support functions within our group of companies – using the latest data concepts, technologies and machine learning techniques. Together we strive to transform ALDI SÜD into a data-driven and data‑competent company.


You are a future pioneer

Customer analyses are essential tools that help us understand our customers’ needs and find an effective strategy to meet them. At ALDI DX, you make everyday life easier for people around the world. This is how you help shape a data-driven retail industry. You will stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies and evolve together with your team in a flexible work environment. Be part of this and support us in creating an agile, collaborative and inspiring working community.

Do you want to make a real difference with your work here? Then find out more about jobs in our rapidly growing Data & Analytics teams at ALDI DX!

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Data & Analytics Stories

Insights in Data & Analytics @ ALDI DX

Our agile Data & Analytics teams solve interesting, complex challenges in a volatile environment. Learn more about this here.


Because where you work does matter!

At ALDI DX, it’s not only about projects and tech. It’s also about collaboration, team spirit and empowering and inspiring our people, while breaking new ground in the process. Take a look!
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aldi.deepdive(data_specialist) | Kathrin | Manager Projects Gen AI

Kathrin has been part of the ALDI DX team for over 12 years and now leads a team of 13 colleagues as a manager in our Data & Analytics Unit. In this interview, she reports on the added value her department generates for the entire organization.

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aldi.deepdive(data_specialists) | Esha | Deployment Manager

Esha works as a Deployment Manager in our Data & Analytics unit and on the ///AHEAD project. In the interview, she explains what “Reprogram retail” means to her and how the ALDI SÜD Group is always striving to improve their customers’ shopping experience.

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Mit Klick auf „Akzeptieren“ willigst du in die Verwendung dieser Technologien ein. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen, auch in Drittstaaten außerhalb der EU, übermittelt werden. Deine Einwilligung kannst du jederzeit über diese Schaltfläche mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen oder ändern. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

data&analytics@aldi | Shaping the Future of Retail Analytics

Working at ALDI DX is about more than just projects, data, and analytics. Here, it’s above all about collaboration, team spirit and empowering our people. Dive deep into our company culture and get to know your future colleagues from the Data & Analytics teams.

Job profiles

Masters don’t guess – they conclude, based on data

As a Data & Analytics Expert at ALDI DX, you will be part of a team that challenges the old way of doing things. Our goal: to design one of the best data-driven system landscapes in the retail industry. We facilitate smart decision-making and business development by using the latest AI-driven technologies – across the entire supply chain, for thousands of stores around the globe. Ready to become part of one of the largest transformations in retail?

Job offers

Jobs as a Data & Analytics Specialist

Open positions